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Encrypted line / Record 


An encrypted line can be a requirement if you store sensitive infomation. Includes a customer record system. 

An encrypted line/record add-on at GECKO Booking costs 0 DKK for the installation and has a rental fee of 49 DKK exclusive of VAT per month. 

An encrypted line/record add-on requires that GECKO Booking's standard system has been purchased, or can be added to your existing GECKO Booking solution.   

Included in the encrypted line/journal add-on is:
  • Option of running GECKO Booking on a secure, encrypted SSL- and HTTPS line. This can be a requirement from the Danish Data Protection Agency, if you store sensitive information in your customer database.  

  • Option of creating records on each customer that can be accessed directly from the customer's profile

  • Direct connection to GECKO Booking